Sunday, August 17, 2008


i think that learning is the hardest thing. I mean, we all learn things everyday. We all know that "knowing is half the battle" and that to know something you had to learn it. We weren't born with much knowledge....we have all learned it.
You would think that my "professional student" self would have learned that learning requires having a need. But, I am realizing more than ever that being a "learner" means being "needy." It means admitting that someone else is more "expert" than I. It means that I listen, take in and change. It means that when I sit and order incorrectly in arabic, that I take the rebuke and correction of my friends. I admit that they are experts in Arabic and I am just learning.
This is hard for me- I want to make sure I am more of an expert than them in something- comparing myself to them so that I don't feel so stupid. I act like "well, you might speak better Arabic than me, but I speak better English!" like, I am saved by how well I speak English :0 or Arabic :0
Slowly, I am seeing that there is beauty in being a learner- admitting weakness and receiving from others.

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