Wednesday, March 26, 2008

so much fun!

i had so much fun in Beirut and Damascus last weekend....I can't wait to live in those two cities!
I have so many stories to tell- but for now I will just have to say take a look at the new pics that are going up....some from the big snow we had this winter and others from Damascus and Beirut. We went to a glass workshop where we was the men actually blowing glass- it was great! I got some good pictures and it made me really want to learn how to blow glass :)


Anonymous said...

it's about time I wrote you, you always comment on my blog and I need to do the same on yours. You don't know how to blow glass yet? I thought that is what you wanted to do when you grow up?
Love you and can't wait till you move to Boise!!!
Let's talk on skype soon is my name

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Just thought that I would say hello. Sounds like things are going well-I am jealous of your travels :-) And love the pictures-you really should go for the whole glass blowing deal-you have wanted to do that for a while now :-) Anyways, just thought I would say hi and let you know how much I enjoy your posts. Oh yeah, do you remember long time ago the random blog that you wrote about-the one that is from a homeless shelter-anyways, never told you, but thanks for mentioning it. I have been keeping updated on that blog and have really appreciated the things that the person writes about! Anyhoo, take care and know that you are missed and still talked about in conversation every now and again at wk. Love ya dear and talk to you later-TR