Friday, February 15, 2008

space for God day

there is this lady here who helps us make space for God- she puts on these "conferences" for us every two months or so. They are just times of getting away (to this great house that over looks Gilead...yep, Gilead!) and we sit and chat, have times of personal reflection and then chat some more. It is a great time to just focus on God, His love and grace for us and to hang out with other people that I might not ever meet if not for these conferences. I had a great time at the "space for God day" today and I learned a lot as we reflected on Ps. 23. It was a great time of me finding restoration and rest after a long and tiring week of failing at language!
Then, I went all over Amman looking for the stuff to make a cake- never finding all of them and having to give up my quest, well, at least for today. I came home, washed dishes and then sat down to an inbox of emails that I haven't taken the time to return. But, I cranked them out- tried to make them as personal as possible when you are writing the same thing over and over again :)
Now, I am done- and I am going to go read or watch a movie or something.....a good day

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