Sunday, February 03, 2008

good shoes

you would think that with 31 years with my blister prone feet, I would know better! But I went to the Balad yesterday and bought some "golashes." These aren't real golashes that you throw over shoes, they are basically plastic boots. I got them because the snow has created a small river in every street. it is impossible to stay dry and ice cold water on your feet for hours is no fun. So, I thought I would solve that by buying some cheap boots! But, the blisters on my feet from wearing them today remind me that was a bad idea!!!
I have never been so grateful for crocs as I am now! Only if I had bought some croc boots before I left the US. (they will definitely will my first purchase once I get back...and I will never live anywhere it rains, without some waterproof shoes again!)

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