Friday, August 17, 2007

belief or unbelief

tomorrow I register for classes!!!! Oh, yes! I am really excited - I haven't seen the school, the teachers, the area of the school or anything really- so I will get to see what I have got myself into tomorrow!!!
Today we went to an outdoor market and then to lunch at the mall. Then all the peeps here wanted to go to the brand new Fudruckers - so we had supper there. It has been a fun day, busy and full of minuture adventures -
I am in a weird spot- trying to get used to Amman, trying to make friends, wanting people to "get" me, trying to figure out what it means to register for classes here and not in Dallas, trying to live out my understanding of grace and truth and not trying to make myself worthy of love, just remembering that God is good and is really for me seems to be a full time job sometimes (and I am trying to figure out how to say "take a left" in Arabic too:) !!!)
So, today, as I sat in a few minutes of silence- I started saying the Creed- I believe in one God, Almighty, The Father- creator of heaven and earth...and had to stop. The immensity of those words- especially the "believe" bit- I mean, do I really? Do I live as I do? Can you tell by the way that I love that I know I have an Almighty Father?
Help my unbelief!!!!

1 comment:

Gilbert said...

its so good to heart your heart and feel your time so far. Your words paint the picture and I feel as if I am there with you. We miss you a ton but know that by you being can be you. I think you were made for those people! Keep it up and let us know how to call you.
Love you- Josh and Green