Saturday, August 18, 2007


Today was REALLY busy- I went to school and registered, then went shopping in various places all ending at the "Ballad" which is the old city- sorry no pictures today. We then went to Applebee's for lunch and then to the mall. We got back to the house for an hour of rest, but we had guests waiting for us - Americans in the city for the weekend. Then we went to an international church and then out for Chinese.
SO- it has been non-stop all day! It has been great to get out in the city and see the people has been great to hang out with people here.
I realize that people here haven't had my experiences- but I am amazed at how we walk over trash without picking it up, make fun of traffic laws, etc. etc. And I haven't really found anyone trying to love the city. So, I think I am going to carry around a trash bag to help with the incredible litter problem here. It would be a way for me to serve Amman, and to remind myself to love the people of the city....
we will see. I do need something to remind me of this- because it is easy to get caught up in the "not like home" syndrome here.
not on the subject- as I was sitting in church, they told the story of a family here from Korea that lost their 15 year old daughter at a local waterfall in a swimming accident. I was overcome with grief, thinking of the family trying to deal with this tragic loss. I even cried (I don't know the family, the girl and neither do any of my friends) and as I was wondering why it was such a big deal to me- I thought of Joy....and it hit me. I will never hear a story of unexpected death and not grieve- because I have seen what it feels like and it is awful!
Ok, so I am a bit scattered - no eloquent thoughts on life tonight.... just a list of thoughts from a busy day- all in all, I was reminded that I need Jesus to come please, Jesus, come back soon!!!!!

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