Wednesday, January 16, 2008

my day

So, I slept in (this is my last day of a "real weekend" because I had to change my tutoring schedule. I will now have 3 days off a week, but all those days I will have to do homework. I was having too much homework to accomplish in one day and that resulted in me only doing homework - and playing a bit at night. I thought that if I had a full day to study between sessions then I would be able to "live" more here in Amman. But this resulted in me sacrificing my much beloved "two day weekend" that I have had for a mere 2 weeks. I will see if the new schedule makes up for the sacrifice.....if not, I will be coming back to the weekend!)
Ok, so I slept in and then made pancakes for breakfast - it is amazing how much I like to eat breakfast when I have time to enjoy it! I then sat, checked email and such and got ready. When Roomie came home, we took off to run errands. First, visa renewal at the Police Station. Then, she had to drop something off at the guest house. We then walked over to the Iraqi place and had lunch. (It made me miss my mom because we went there together) Then, after a great chicken shwarma, we went down to the Ballad and walked around. We visited the movie shops, the pashmina shops, the dress shops and anything else we wanted to see. After the nice afternoon, we returned to a warm house and a "night of leisure" - i.e. watch the movies that we bought and blog :)
It was a fun day- one that we enjoyed the city where we live. It made me remember how much I love living overseas. It is great to be able to experience "life" in a different place, with a different language, with different people.

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