Tuesday, December 11, 2007

communal living

I have been doing a lot of searching these days- searching my brain for that vocabulary word, searching the grocery store for that "special" thing, and searching my heart to see how God has shaped me. A theme keeps coming back, over and over again like the waves on the shore- communal living.
I have avoided this theme in the past because it is a hard thing to do (living communally always shows where we don't "love well") and it is hard to "start" - I mean, do i put up a want add: needed, 3 girls who want to live communally for the sake of the Kingdom. All others need not reply!
Also, this is the kind of thing that takes a lifetime to build, no a lifetime to start - and it is quite daunting.
It is something that grows on its own, it is something that twists and turns and changes as people join and leave the community- it is weird and unusual for those who haven't experienced it-
But the hardest thing, is trying to see how I am supposed to do it here. How can my love for the Arab world and a desire to live communally mix? It seems impossible today.
And yet, in the face of all those difficulties- I have decided to no longer ignore it - to listen to the sound of the waves.

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