Wednesday, November 21, 2007

"stuff of earth"

there is this line in one of the best songs of all time
"The stuff of Earth competes
For the allegiance
I owe only to the giver
Of all good things"
this line has been running through my head lately because the stuff of earth is doing a good job of competing for my allegiance. I feel as if at times I want nothing more than to be powerful or smart or friendly, or something.....anything but a follower of Christ.
And it is only if I see these things as competing allegiances that I can worship the Giver of all Good things- and not the things He gives.
I say all of this, after I just vehemently spilled about the school and their "dumb" way of teaching me.....and I have so see that as an expression of the "stuff of earth' competing for my allegiance, telling me that if I was "smart" or "a fast learner" or "the corrector of the stupid way they teach" that I will be somehow "better."
Oh, I am in such need of grace!

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