Saturday, November 17, 2007

life in jordan

so, I think I have settled into "life" here. I have gotten some sort of rhythm here- the going to school, the returning to study. And I have had quite and emotional week as God has been amputating bits of my rotten heart and patiently replacing it with the fruit of the Spirit. It has been shocking to see how often I live for myself and my desires. I have had a week of examination and I am trying to find myself in this new reality. I have been drinking the sweet drink of grace- and the bitter cup of confession (a prerequisite for grace I am afraid.) It has been a hard week, but next week I have 2 days off of school, start an "extra" Arabic class 2-3 days a week and try to "live" as well ;) good thing I have a few days off!
I am feeling a little sick (got the "winter cold" that is going around class) so I am going to bed......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting your heart out here so that I can hear it beat!

I am missing you tonight and it is good to listen to what's happening. I hope you are resting now and awaken to a great Sunday.

FYI: Tilleys are fine and their country is challenged. I know you are praying for them.

I love you, Dad