Friday, September 28, 2007

A Rom. 8 moment

It was gut retching. Tears flooded to my eyes and I wanted to shut off the unbearable scream.
It was just a movie....but this one seen seemed to capture the pain of living in this "gap" where the curse still kills people and death, hunger, sickness, evil, horror is all around us. The cry was against all the evil in this world- it was a cry for love to reign; for peace to flood the streets; for grace to remove even the memory of sin. It was a blood curdling scream full of pain.
I laid in my bed, Maynard (my computer) laying on my chest, totally enraptured in this film. I felt the pain...and yet in the pain there was the realization that there must be something better. This pain should not be real, it should not be happening to those around us, it shouldn't exist.
It is in these moments, the fleeting seconds that I see both pain and hope so deeply intwined, that I see what Paul is talking about.....groaning for the return of Christ. Pain and hope in the same breath: groaning for the the day it will all be made right!

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