Friday, May 02, 2008

day with friends

Yesterday I ended up spending the day with friends- it went from tutoring to a B-day party to a was a 2-3 hour deal that turned into an all day affair. It was really fun to just "be" with people that I normally see everyday but rarely get to "hang out" with them. We ended up watching "pan's Labyrinth" It is this slightly creepy, really intense fairy tale set in Spain during the civil war. It is all in spanish, I think that adds to the creepiness of it in some way. Anyway, it is a great story about beauty in the midst of real ugliness and life out of death. I can't tell you too much- this is definitely one that you want to watch and enjoy, not read the spoilers! It was a great reminder of the story of Redemption we have in the Cross, Resurrection and Return of Christ.
I had a pretty slow day today- tutoring and then a bit of house cleaning and I am just hanging out in "my" house catching up on emails, blogs and such. Hard to believe that I have just a month left before my summer break! part of me can't wait- the other part thinks that my arabic is really going to suffer after all the time I have speaking English!

1 comment:

Travis said...

No habibti, your Arabic will not suffer! We had a hilarious time at our Arabic church tonight with a "Bible trivia" contest in Arabic with one team fighting against the other for the title! It was a completely cultural experience including drums, tambourine and clapping for the winner at the end of each question! So you can come with us, get your arabic fix and then head off to Sonic for a Route 44 Dr. Pepper and some chili cheese frito wraps for a midnight snack!!! :) can't wait to see you!