Sunday, March 02, 2008


Today, I decided that because I have to write Bible stories for class (in Arabic) and then I have to memorize them...that I should be learning stories that might be helpful later on. I have just been thinking of stories that I know the vocabulary for, or thinking of stories that I love to tell- but today I went to Gen. 1 and started with creation. It was supposed to be an exercise in Arabic- but something happened as I was trying to convey the miraculous beginnings of humanity- I can't really explain it. I got to the part where God fashions mankind, breathes life into Adam and calls him good. I was rapped up in the word for breath in Arabic also meaning "soul" (and in Hebrew by the way) and how clearly that is conveyed in this beautiful language. God breathed life, His "soul" into makind and we had life, movement, soul! wasn't the first time that I have been interacting with the Bible in Arabic and paused to think "beautiful" and I am sure it won't be the last.
I don't know what it is - I think it is just the idea that I can read the Bible in a language that isn't my own and still the HS can speak to me....I just think that is amazing. What an incredible Book! I was just lost for a while- looking at the curly cues on my page that now actually mean something to me, another language that will be spoken on the new earth around the throne!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Awesome! Isn't it amazing that those new insights never run out? It really is a living Word. Thinking of you, my friend.