Friday, November 10, 2006

A shift in my thinking

Ok - I have been shifting now for a while. But I have taken the plunge: here is my "new" thinking about life/ministry.
That is the first shift - there is no separation of life and ministry. We are to love to live and live to love. And there is NO ONE who has it figured out - I have changed my mind 6 times this semester on sanctification I should let people believe "wrongly" and give the space to get it right....not harp on it as if I have it right. It is like the moon orbiting the earth, at times it is near and others far. That is my orbit around the truth - some times near, others far. But it is the Holy Spirit that governs the orbit not my abilities to figure it out.
Secondly: ministry is about grace - understanding that not everyone is at the same place as me, except that we all sin so we are all the same. Having this as the first core makes everything take a much less "boxed" approach and gives a huge amount of space!
Third: It is to be faith, hope and love that govern my life.
Faith - everything that is "Christian" is based on this....the righteous shall live by faith. Faith that God saves, God redeems, God transforms, God convicts of sin, God gives grace, God....the list could go on and on. But this is to be the focus of my life - believing Jesus. Everything that is not of faith is sin! ponder that for a while....(with me)
Hope - that this world and my very being are under the curse and I am aching for Christ to return! This is promised and must be held to be faith - see how they spiral (or rather orbit around each other)
Love - this is the only one that is eternal. At some point in the near future I hope, I will no longer need hope because I will have the return of Christ. I will no longer need faith because I will see Him and touch Him (not believe that He is in this room with me even though I can't smell, taste, touch or hear Him) But love - it is here forever. Forever I will love God, God will love me and we will love others too. This means that I am to learn to love God and others well.
First by not seeing people as anything other than what they are - images of God. Seeing sin as something I share in common with all men. Seeing Jesus as supreme Redeemer of mankind, the Holy Spirit as the One that reveals Him to me and the Father as the One that sent them both into the world. People are not in stratas of "Christian friends" "non Christian seeker friends" "totally lost and don't care friends" and that I am helping them move from one category to another. NO! People are people - all sinners, all loved by God, all moving in orbit around truth. So, my task is to love well. PERIOD. Not to think of ways to love certain people over others - not to devise ways to make relationships with "powerful" or "cool" or "fun" people...but to love the homeless person at the bus stop and the cashier just as passionately as my brother. To love those who I am responsible for and those who are far away with a love that reflects faith, hope and grace.
This is my life - this is life in the Spirit. (at least for me right now....I am giving myself space to change :)

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