Monday, September 01, 2008


this is the first day of we are all in our houses, very little traffic on the street- all waiting for tonight when we can eat, drink and celebrate.
This is a month when muslims all around the world fast during the daylight hours from food, water, smoking, thinking bad things, doing bad things, etc. etc. It is in an effort to show their dedication to God. Wikipedia explains it as "Fasting is meant to teach the person patience and humility. Ramadan is a time to fast for the sake of God, and to offer even more prayer than usual. Also, asking forgiveness for the sins of the past, asking for guidance in the future, and asking for help with refraining from every day evils and try to purify oneself through self-restraint and good deeds is involved in Ramadan."
This is a time of deep spirituality in some and deep hypocrisy in others. Some take this fast very seriously and struggle with remaining pure for the whole month. Others put on a great facade of not eating and drinking and in their homes they eat and they do not try to purify themselves at all (I have had more people try to cheat me in Ramadan than in any other month :)!)
I have decided that I am going to experience Ramadan and try to fast (like them, with no water in this really hot country right now) for a little while. I have talked to my neighbors and told them that I am a follower of Jesus and that I am going to fast so that I can pray for them. They were all really excited that I, as a foreign Christian, would join in with them on this cultural/religious holiday.
It has been REALLY hard not to eat or drink today - I have looked at the clock like 15 times and keep telling myself "6 more hours" and stuff like that :)
But I am hoping that this will help me identify more with my surrogate people, and help me focus this month on not complaining about Ramadan but rather joining them in prayer that they will find forgiveness of sins and hope for the future.

1 comment:

Travis said...

We will definately be praying for patience for you! We and our friends here are praying for you and those you come in contact with during this time of seeking.