Sunday, November 11, 2007

from another blog I love

There is this blog that I started reading about a 2 years ago. I try to read it every week or so and keep up with the guy. I read his "book" 9a collection of blogs from the "first year.") I am not sure how I found this blog. All I know is that it was a slow day at the worst job in the world and it afforded some "blog hopping." I stumbled on this guy by following the links on other blogs I found interesting. But, this blog has been one that I have returned to often and found poignant words shaking my ideas and hopefully changing the way I live my life.
I was looking for something on the net today and decided to spend a few minutes "at the mission." And this is what I found:
"What if Jesus isn't looking for leaders? What if he's looking for followers? Followers who are content to treasure and value the folks right in their own neighborhood..." What if? Would that change the way I lived here in Amman? Would that change the way I see my future? Would that give me a greater push/motivation/desire to "just serve" people? Would it make the need to volunteer and effect change in our community essential to my faith?
I ask this because the phrase "follower of Jesus" is a big one in my circles these days....aka people who want to identify with Jesus but not the crusades here in the ME. So, thinking about really being a follower - not just using that as my "name" while I am here- is always present.
I know I would live differently if I saw myself as the servant of my neighbors and friends.
oh- here is the link to the case you need some more reading material!

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