Wednesday, March 28, 2007

sin and grace change everything

I read something today that will forever be etched in my heart, "sin AND grace change everything." I didn't like it at first, I thought that the statement should read "sin changes everything" and then another statement accompanying it should read, "grace changes everything." because I felt that grace should some way be elevated over sin. And then I thought about how separating them gives too much credit to is not alone in its changing power. Yes, everything was changed at the fall, and yes, sin is constantly changing things that should of been said right, things I shouldn't feel and things that should be done and changing them into a reality that really sucks. But grace is there too- right along with sin, changing things. So I thought maybe "sin changes things- but so does grace" would be a better way of communicating this. But then, it was as if sin was diminished and its ugliness somehow taken away. So, I was back to "sin AND grace change everything," because this is true. Sin, in my evil heart changing me, encaging me, making me its slave - yes, this one who bears His image is so changed by sin. And yet, the story doesn't end there. At the very moment of my refusal of grace when my heart embraces sin, it is there where I need grace most. It is there that I find it - always deeper than my most awful thought, action or feeling - there ready to change everything. All of my thinking has to be rethought with grace now in the picture. All of the ways I gain things, earn acceptance and get position are now changed by grace. All the ways I distinguish myself from the others- changed by grace that calls us one in Christ. All the ways I prove my worth are now missing in grace- given to the most undeserving.
yes, it is as my sin tries to change everything that I get to see grace change everything...this time not just "back to what is right" but changing things to surpass even that. Changing things into things so good it hurts to even think of their beauty.....things changed to shout of the love of God, a love so vast that grace is just one of the ways that it is seen in my life- a love that is so great it calls me a child of God!! Yes, sin and grace change everything.

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